Title: Evanesco! Artist: nearlyconscious Rating: G Pairings: Padma/Pansy Summary: This is an illustration of a drabble I wrote for the Humpathon 2013 at hp_humpdrabbles : the combo is a gift to gamma_x_orionis.
Title: Untitled artist: glayish pairing/characters: Just Pansy rating: G Warnings: None, unless you don't like Scarlett Byrne (the actress who plays Pansy in the last 3 movies).
Title: In the Malfoy Gardens By: Foxfire Glow Characters: Pansy Parkinson and Severus Snape Word Count: 1141 Summary: A young Pansy Parkinson has an encounter with a certain Potions Professor in the Malfoy gardens. One-shot. Rating: General
Title: Christmas Cheer (1/1) Author: Leigh, aka leigh_adams Characters: Seamus Finnigan/Pansy Parkinson Rating: G Word Count: 860 Summary: Seamus' enthusiasm for the holidays serves as a source of irritation for Pansy. Author’s Notes: This was written as part of my 2010 Christmas Drabble Meme. elle_blessing requested Seamus/Pansy with the prompt "snow." While this
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